Skin Care Tips

With season changes we need to re adjust our skin care products to compliment our skin types and the weather.

First, quick overview of main skin types -
Oily, Sensitive, Combo, Normal, and Dry

Our skin is categorized depending on our oil and water balance and size of pores. Oily skin consist of more oil than water and large pores and vice versa for Dry skin and small pores.

Oily Skin Care Regime


CLEANSER: Use a Gel Cleanser - Oily skin needs a clear, gel like cleanser to remove excess oils and promote nature oil and water balance.

EXFOLIANT: Exfoliate Daily - Liquid Exfoliant or Facial Scrub - Liquid exfoliant with SALICYLIC ACID (from latin salix, willow tree, free the bark of which the substance is obtained) is very useful ORGANIC ACID in treating acenic skin. 

For nature lovers and/or home makers, exepriement in your kitchen and mix up a OATMEAL facial scrub - the thickness of the oats safely will exfoliate your skin while at the same time soothe it.

MOISTURIZE alwayes: Moisturize with an Oil Free Moisturizer - Be sure the moisturizer contains HUMECTANTS (ingredient that attracts and traps water in skin in attempt to balance out).

~ Even Guys Need to Treat their OILY skin with a FACIAL SCRUB ~

Don't wait to Winter to take care of your lips ~ Be ahead of the class! Follow tips below on how to naturally treat chapped lips....

The nutritional characteristics of honey make it an amazing healing and anti-bacterial agent. Similarly, Vaseline is considered one of the best skin protectants. When these two items are combined, you have an effective home remedy for chapped lips:

Put some honey on your lips let it dry for a few seconds.
Without moving your lips, apply some Vaseline on top of the lips.
Leave the honey and Vaseline on your lips for 10-15 minutes.
Finally, dip a Q-tip dip in hot water and use it to remove the honey and Vaseline in two strokes.
Do this once a day for about 2-5 days to get rid of chapped lips.

~ What Causes Acne ~

Know ing what causes acne is just as important as knowing how to treat and/or prevent your acenic skin. Acne is a disorder of the hair follicle, sebaceous (sweat) gland, and a hair. Sebaceous glands produce a substance called sebum, which is responsible for keeping the skin and hair moisturized.

There are four major factors responsible for causing acne. They act together to cause the characteristic pimples, whiteheads and blackheads associated with acne. They are:

•Overactive oil glands
•Blockage of the skin poress
•Activity of normal skin bacteria

Say Good Bye to Heat Bumps! Prickly Heat

Heat Bumps are inevitable during the summer. Use these tips to avoid…

* * * Keep Your Face Cool – periodically wipe your face * * *
* * * Exfoliate - your skin more to allow pores to open for air and release toxins - DAILY with facial scrub or exfoliating Mask * * *
* * * Take a cool bath every few hours to sooth the most irritated skin * * *
* * * Sitting near a fan for a gentle breeze can help * * *
* * * Apply a thin layer of a thick cream to affected area * * *

For more helpful tips like the SKIN CARE TIP page of DAILY...

Camille Janei Mobile Spa is here to help.... Treat your oily skin with care!

Quick tips for Oily Skin

~ Cleanse with gel and or foam cleanser ~
~Exfoliate DAILY with facial scrub or exfoliating Mask ~
~ Moisturize ALWAYS with an oil-free moisturizer ~

Don't be afraid of oil... Oils break down oils and alcohol is only a quick fix that
attracts more oil to the skin's surface

For more helpful tips like the SKIN CARE TIP page of DAILY...

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