
Satisfied Clients

Schedule your appointment with me today! Experience your spa services the Camille Janei way. Read happy clients feed back below


Glowing Skin

To achieve glowing skin you need more than daily regime. Beauty may only be skin deep however the glow that we all want comes from within. our bodies work from the inside out so whatever goes in comes out!

Kick start your glowing skin with simple steps below:

Fasting is an excellent detoxing toll to free your body of waste and bacteria that we can consume in food and alcohol each day.

Alcohol is not only empty calories it will also dehydrate your skin stripping away your natural glow!

Just as Elle Woods in Legally Blonde says "exercise releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy..."

Endorphins do contribute to our happiness by way of releasing stress combating hormones. Stress has an evil way of giving our skin a dull appearance.

Comparable to exercising one of the many benefits of massage is its ability to release stress. Massage yourself or seek a professional.

Can not stress enough on how imperative it is for us to consume the recommended amount of water daily. Water flushes our systems and hydrates our skin!

Question? Need specific skin care tips? Email info@camillejanei.com


Relaxation Week Gift Certificate

Missed Out on Relaxation Week with Camille Janei Mobile Spa? Purchase a Gift Certificate Below and Schedule your Appointment!

Spa Services:

Gift Certificates are Valid until December 2nd, 2012. Not Valid during Holiday and a Travel Fee May Apply. Only 1 service per person is allowed. Any questions call 440-941-7546 or email info@camillejanei.com. Gift Certificate will be emailed or mailed to you.

xoxo Camille Janei